
what the archive is about

The Living Archive explores the potential of (post)industrial heritage to transform production in our cities. We collect stories with participatory heritage methods. The nodes for the local collection efforts are Fab City Hubs (FCH). The collection has been carefully assembled by FCH teams who have been learning about, co-creating and applying participatory heritage-making approaches, emotion networking methodology, oral history principles and creative perspective-taking.
 Select tags and categories to filter stories in the archive below. Explore their connections in the network graph.

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European Union Logo

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement n. 869595

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Submit Your Story

The Living Archive is full of stories co-collected by Fab City Hubs - a mixed bag of change agents and makers - in collaboration with municipalities. Are you working in a municipality, part of a Fab City Hub or seeking to become one, or otherwise involved in a project around similar themes? Have you consulted the Centrinno Handbook "Regenerative Neighbourhoods in the Making" and/or the Fab City Hub Toolkit to deploy innovative heritage actions? We warmly welcome to receive and add your stories to our Living Archive. Simply fill in the form below and we will get back to you by e-mail.